Environmental protection

Environmental protection on our ORC57

On Avel Vaez, we do our utmost to preserve our immense playground: the ocean. Our catamaran, which sails most of the time, already offers cruises with a low carbon footprint. To go even further, a few common-sense rules will help our crew members to limit their impact on the environment during their activities aboard our catamaran:

  • Rule #E1:
    It is forbidden to throw waste into the sea. Waste must be separated and deposited on land in the collection systems available.
  • Rule #E2:
    It is preferable not to leave your garbage on the islands. Prefer collection systems located on the mainland.
  • Rule #E3:
    When authorized by local regulations, organic waste may be dumped at sea. In the absence of local regulations, organic waste may be dumped overboard beyond four miles from the coast.
  • Rule #E4:
    The skipper must give his/her consent before any waste is discharged into the sea.

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